Product Rating
10 PSA $5 - Top 100 Countries based on most active affiliates

Retail Price: $25.00
You Save: $20.00 (80%)
10 PSA $5 - Top 100 Countries based on most active affiliates BIG NOTE PLEASE READ: This is PSA from Ad Words campaign targeted Top 100 Countries based on most active affiliates in SFI! Due to the nature of the live sign-up SFI procedure, we cannot validate every email address that is typed in by any new PSAs. We are not responsible and cannot guarantee that your new PSAs will be active. It is your responsibility to contact your new PSAs in a proper way and as soon as they sign up. Give your SFI business a boost with 10 PSA $5 - Top 100 Countries based on most active affiliates. Once your order has been processed by TripleClicks it will then go live within 12 to 24 hours. All PSA have a tracking code of 1118 which is exclusive to us, As each of Your new PSAs sign up, you will receive a notification email from SFI containing the tracking code. We cannot guarantee how active any PSA will become, in fact, nobody can guarantee that. It is beneficial to welcome your new PSAs when they arrive, this can make a considerable difference as to how active they become. NOTE: We will deliver your PSA in 5 days. We are not responsible and cannot guarantee that your new PSAs will be active. It is your responsibility to contact your new PSAs in a proper way and as soon as they sign up